I remember as a kid poking a potato with toothpicks, putting it in a mason jar of water, and watching the roots grow out of it. Overnight. So cool.
Kent and I get to spend some time in Colorado every summer doing ministry, writing, hiking, and catching up with life friends. Before we go we aggressively try to get all the weeds out of the flower beds at home. But last summer we left in such a hurry we evidently didn’t get to all the roots. When we came back that fall we discovered they hosted a big old party while we were gone and took over the entire flower bed. Bummer. Damage control.
Hebrews 12:14-15 says:
Work at living in peace with everyone. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.
Let’s see…
Do what? Work
At what? Living in peace
With who? Everyone
And then? Watch out
For what? A root
What kind? Poisonous
That what? Troubles us
And also? Corrupts many
Bitterness is such a toxic root. Its kind of like a Texas tallow tree that sends its roots out underground and then takes over an entire forest. And we’ve all seen this happen in families, churches, schools and companies. The world watches.
I have often said I get to choose whether I finish out my life as a B.O.B. (Bitter Old ‘B’ Word) or a ‘B.O.L.’ (Beautiful Old Lady). I’m going for the latter. So I’m watching for the root so it won’t get chance to grow and spread. Watch with me.